Reiki Sessions

A touch-free form of healing one’s energy.

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Virtual Reiki

60 Min via Zoom

Energetically there is no difference between in-person and virtual reiki. Distance Reiki has been part of the Reiki training for centuries.

After you've checked out you'll receive a confirmation email to schedule a time for your session with Hana. For more details, refer to the FAQs below.

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Meet Our Reiki Specialists

  • Katie Aller - Owner, LMT, RYT, Yoga Instructor

    Katie Aller is the founder of Revive Bodywork. Educated and licensed in Florida in 2006, Katie considers herself a lifetime apprentice to the human body, continually studying its habits, workout regimes, diets, life traumas, dominant sides and social lives. She believes massage is her true calling – she was born to do this, and we as humans are made to feel wonderful. Her passion is reminding everyone how it feels to be completely held, supported, understood, and challenged to face what limits them.

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  • Francis Foster - RYT, Reiki Master

    Frances is an open hearted, determined, lover of life. Her refreshingly calm demeanor instantly invites a sense of safety and peace into her classes.

    Hailing from NYC, Frances moved to Denver nearly seven years ago where she has completed a 200 hour Teacher Training program, Advanced Restorative & Yin Teacher Training programs and a Reiki Master Training program in tandem with diving deeply into her studies of Astrology and Esoteric Spirituality .

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Reiki FAQs

  • Reiki is an energy healing technique that originates from Japan. It helps balance a persons energy, remove energy blockages, and release negative energy.

    Energy therapies are based on the concept that disturbances in energy fields in and around the body result in illness, and that improving the flow and balance of energy can improve health and wellbeing (verywellhealth, 2018).

    It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" or Qi flows through us and is what causes us to be alive (Reiki.Org, 2019). During the session, the Reiki practitioner places their hands either above the person or lightly touching them to stimulate their body’s natural healing abilities. Reiki can help with improving a person’s spiritual wellbeing, along with helping heal physical and mental health conditions.

    The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words. Rei means a higher intelligence that guides the functioning of the universe or "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power," and Ki is the nonphysical energy that flows through anything living (plants, animals, humans) known as "life force energy.” Together, these two words stand for “spiritually guided life-force energy.” Reiki is however not tied to a religion or part of a religious practice; it is not a belief or type of suggestion.

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  • You lie on a massage table, fully dressed, while a practitioner places their palms on or just over different body parts that are thought to be hubs for energy. The practitioner positions their hands in up to 15 different ways. They decide how long to leave their palms in each spot based on the flow of energy that they perceive they’re feeling through their hands.

    Even though you’re resting on a massage table, the practitioner isn’t giving a massage, using pressure, or manipulating your joints. They’re simply using gentle touch at most.

    You might feel sensations like heat, tingling, or pulsing where their hands are, or throughout your body. Or you might not notice any changes. Some people get so relaxed that they fall asleep.

  • The reiki practitioner either has their hands placed over you or lightly touching you, they are not massaging or manipulating any part of the body. Therefore, it will not cause any physical side effects. If you have an injury that is sensitive to touch, just let the practitioner know ahead of time. Reiki should not be used as a primary treatment for any health condition, especially a serious health problem. It is not a substitute for conventional medicine.

  • Improved Mood and Heart Rate Variability

    In 2010, Yale University researchers found that heart attack patients receiving 20-minute reiki treatment three days after their attack, showed improved moods and heart rate variability. This study has been published in the Journal of the America College of Cardiology.

    Reductions in Fatigue with Improved Cortisol Levels

    Another 2012 study in the journal Cancer found that fatigued breast cancer survivors who received four weeks of biofield healing therapies showed “highly clinically significant” reductions in fatigue, says Jain, who led the study (U.S. News: Health, 2014). The patients receiving a placebo effect also showed improvements, but not as much. Both groups showed greater improvement than the ones who received no treatment at all. The biofield healing improved cortisol levels, where the fake and no treatments did not.

    Cancer Patients: Lower Levels of Pain, Anxiety and Fatigue

    A study done in 2015, showed lower levels of pain, fatigue and anxiety for cancer patients who received reiki with regular medical care. These levels were significantly lower than the control group, who only received medical care (healthline, 2018). Each cancer patient received 30 minutes of distant reiki over the course of five days.

    Cesarean Delivery: Reduced Anxiety, Pain, and Breathing Rate

    A 2015 study, showed just 1-2 days after a group of women had cesarean deliveries, they saw improvements from Reiki treatments. The need for analgesic pain killers was less, along with anxiety and pain, plus improved breathing. The study was published on Pain Management Nursing.

    Improving Depression, Pain and Anxiety

    With a small study done in 2010 on older adults, Reiki improved physical symptoms, mood and wellbeing for people experiencing depression, pain, and anxiety. Results also showed improvements in self-care along with increased curiosity. This was published in Research in Gerontological Nursing.

    Integrative Reiki for Cancer Patients: A Program Evaluation

    In this study, the 213 cancer participants all had more than a 50% decrease in distress, anxiety, depression, pain, and fatigue. Of that group, 176 liked the Reiki and found it helpful, 157 plan to continue using it, and 175 would recommend it to other people. They saw overall improvement in relaxation and spiritual well-being. View study on

  • Energetically there is no difference. Distance Reiki has been part of the Reiki training for centuries. Some physical differences would be, in person I would place my hands and crystals over you while virtually there is no physical touch.

  • Yes! There is absolutely no difference between virtual and in-person sessions. It works the same as an in-person session because when it comes to energy work, there is no such thing as time and space.

    We find distance energy work to be more powerful because clients are in the comfort of their own space. With the use of technology, we can connect and help clients with greater clarity and understanding.