Revive Bodywork | Denver's Premiere Holistic Self-Care Center

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Experience The Deepest Tissue Massage Like Never Before with Ashiatsu Massage in Denver

If you're looking for a deep tissue massage that really gets into those knots and tension points, but you want something a little different from the traditional experience, you might want to try Ashiatsu massage. This unique style of massage is growing in popularity, and for good reason - it's incredibly effective at releasing tension and promoting relaxation.

What is Ashiatsu Massage?

Ashiatsu massage is a form of deep tissue massage where the therapist uses their feet instead of their hands to apply pressure to your muscles. The therapist uses a bar or other support system to balance while standing on your back, legs, or arms to apply the pressure. This allows them to use their body weight to deliver a deeper, more intense massage than they could with just their hands.

What Makes Ashiatsu Massage Unique?

The use of the therapist's feet is what sets Ashiatsu massage apart from other forms of deep tissue massage. Because they can use more pressure and cover a larger area, the therapist can work on more areas of the body at once, making for a more efficient and effective massage experience.

Ashiatsu massage is also known for being very customizable. The therapist can adjust the pressure and angle of their feet to target specific areas of tension or pain, making for a massage that is tailored to your individual needs.

Why Choose Ashiatsu Massage?

There are a few reasons why someone might prefer Ashiatsu massage over traditional deep tissue massage. For one, it can be more effective at releasing deep knots and tension, since the therapist is able to use more pressure and get deeper into the muscle tissue.

Additionally, Ashiatsu massage can be a great option for people who find traditional deep tissue massage to be too painful or uncomfortable. Since the pressure is spread out over a larger area, it can feel less intense and more soothing than a massage done with just the hands.

It's worth noting that not all massage therapists are trained or certified in Ashiatsu massage. In order to provide this type of massage, therapists must go through additional training and certification to ensure they are using proper technique and safety protocols. At Revive Bodywork, more than half of our therapists are certified in Ashiatsu, and we even help pay for their training when new hires are interested in expanding their education.

Revive Bodywork in Denver offers Ashiatsu massage, as well as a variety of other massage services. Their team of certified therapists are experienced in a variety of techniques, so you can find the massage that's right for you. To learn more about their services or to schedule an appointment, visit their website or give us, click Book Now to find an Ashiatsu appointment that fits your schedule.
